Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi, my name is Jimmy Hunt and I'm in my last semester here at ASU. I switched my major from a double business major of management and marketing, to a major in IDS with a business minor. My focus is Entertainment Promotion and Production; which fortunately fits in line with my life outside of school. This past year I started my own business, using resources offered by ASU and the ASU Entrepreneurship Center. My business, Black Paw Entertainment, LLC enabled me to organize, promote and produce Music on the Mountain. Luckily, all our work paid off and we had record setting numbers; 2,500 in the first year.

I hope to use all areas of my IDS classes to help understand not only logistical business knowledge, but also, people more sensible areas such as people management. Combining theory, reason and knowledge to the tools I've already learned in the business school will be a huge help and a whole new way to look at things!

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