Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hello Class,

I am one of those seniors that Derek was talking about because i'm a transfer student, who just switched thier major from sociology to IDS indv. design. My focus is "A social Critique of the Fashion Industry." this focus stems from my pervious degree in fashoin design from FIT in NYC. I was fully emursed in the fashion industry and i was aplled that there was no space for critique or discussion of the effects of the industry as a social insitution. My hope with coming to ASU was to have a space to learn about the history, the effects of the indusrt on society and vice a versa. So far i have focused on gender and class in my analysis, two social constructs that fashion both strenghtens and is submissive to. I intend on furthering my fashion line in a socially consious way that moves the industry in the direction of supporting the people i cloth instead of further situating them in an oppersive social classification.

I came to ASU, in 2006, not ever being in NC or knowing anyone within 12 hours of Boone. I have enjoyed my time here and the community of ASU. I am an overly involved student activist, mostly focusing on transgender rights, labor justice, community building, and reuse of waste. I am grew up in metro Detroit, Michigan and moved to NYC after graduating high school. I was there for two years before moving to Boone. I intend on graduating in dec.

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